Žįttur 6 (4.8.2007) - Lagalisti

Žįttur dagsins var tileinkašur kassagķtarnum. Hér er lagalistinn:

01. The Band - The Weight
02. Blur - For Tomorrow
03. America - A Horse With No Name
04. Bubbi - Stįl og hnķfur
05. Ljótu hįlfvitarnir - Bjór meiri bjór
06. Spoon - I Summon You
07. Hole - Miss World
08. Kiss - Hard Luck Woman
09. Bob Dylan - Hurricane
10. The Beatles - Here Comes the Sun
11. Alice In Chains - Over Now
12. The Decemberists - An Apology Song
13. Megas - Gamli sorrż Grįni
14. Billy Joel - Don't Ask Me Why
15. Soundgarden - Burden In My Hand
16. Hot Damn! - Hot Damn That Woman Is A Man
17. Corrosion of Conformity - Stare Too Long
18. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Have You Ever Seen the Rain
19. Calexico - Sunken Waltz
20. Eagles - Hotel California
21. Guns N'Roses - Patience
22. Gipsy Kings - Baila Me
23. The Beatles - You Better Hide Your Love Away
24. Mugison - Murr Murr
25. Neutral Milk Hotel - In an Aeroplane Over the Sea
26. Metallica - Tuesday's Gone
27. Lay Low - Boy Oh Boy
28. Sufjan Stevens - The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts
29. The Jam - That's Entertainment
30. Meshuggah - Futile Bread Machine
31. Elvis Presley - Love Me Tender
32. Violent Femmes - Blister In the Sun

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